Saturday, October 25, 2008

A7X f**kin' awesome gig!

I'm tired, throat feeling soar, hair's a mess and hearing a little impaired but it's a worth it coz I've just experienced Avenged Sevenfold fuckin' awesome live gig here in Singapore! It's really a huge crowd coz i didn't really expect that much A7X fans here in Singapore.

Hell of a metal/rock atmosphere in the mosh pit. The whole area is a crowded mosh pit and I was totally moshing; unwinding myself, releasing aggression, throwing some punches here and there and having fun while enjoying (headbanging) to A7X's awesome music \m/. All of these while following an unwritten "moshing etiquette" with fellow fans and strangers.

Avenged Sevenfold opens with my fav song - Critical Acclaim!!!

my best pic of the night - M Shadows screaming his lungs out!

Zacky Vengeance & Synyster Gates complementing each other

Gates entertaining the crowd with his skills

and his kick-ass bullet speed solos

Zacky Vengeance and The Rev

Memorable quote from M. Shadows :
"I just realised we totally sold out Kanye West... does that means Rock n Roll is better than Hip Hop?" and the crowd goes wild...

oh Kanye West also having a concert here next week, but that's another story :eek

Johnny Christ on bass

there should be lots of youtube videos out there ...