Then ah Kong and Yeo appear, also being told the same timing crap! So the 3 of us went to look at some world cup jerseys, wander and shop around the mall until those late assholes appear. Anyway....
the restaurant looks kinda posh, located at level 3, Pariss International Seafood Buffet. Rather posh lah, good food and different variety of them.

the ever-mischievous monkey
It was all fun during the long lunch from 1pm+ till 3+ especially after I haven been back at work for a week due to my exam period. Rather gd break for me since I've been home for the past few days stressing myself for next wed's paper (for crying out loud). Shankar and Garry kept telling me what happen when I wasn't around, how Prem (the ass clown) always screw up the task and how I should 'takan' them when I'm back... ha ha. Oh, and Garry bought the new Nokia N70 phone. *envy envy*
ya ya showing off ur new N70 in front of me!
So jealous of Garry coz ''my mum bought me one...'' should be an early X'mas gift from Mummy. I actually tried out his phone and compare some shots taken from his N70 n my K750 (both phones offer 2 Mega Pixel) both shots taken also not bad lah... mine looks brighter n Garry's N70 also looks gd coz larger phone screen mah... arrr tech geeks!
But once again, my Sony PSP stole the limelight as the guys are having a ''break'' before officiating the 2nd half of the buffet.
desperate Prem watching while Shankar had a go on my PSP
Prem is not going to and I will never let him touch my PSP! I just wish I can control myself not to whack him later....
the guys watching some video clips off the PSP...isn't it cool?
bossman Mr Tharma being presented the plug
Not to forget, Tharma is leaving us for some better pasture elsewhere after all these years of contribution to our section. Wish him all da best in his future endeavours!
you're welcome!
Last shot of the day...Garry giving us a ride and a finger before we left for our own agenda.
Aiyoh, so tired today. Think I'm not going to do my revision liao, I need a good sleep then I'll study harder tomorrow onwards.