Friday, September 08, 2006

'Large'ly Suprised

More shocked than surprised that Storm Large was sent home after watching the latest episode of Rock Star Supernova. What was the band thinking sending Storm packing? She has such a great personality and character that could easily front Supernova! I think they weren't interested for a female to front Supernova and I think even though Dilana was the one of the final 4, she won't make the cut during the finals next week. All the talk that woman can also front the band is just for show... Aayway, Dilana should have been eliminated instead of Storm Large. Just hated her, her personality, her voice, her knife-ing her peers behind their back, her personality and everything about her. And Lukas Rossi is another rubbish freak to still be remaining in the final 4. He can't sing and pronounce well! Either Toby or Magni will be great to front supernova. Like what Gibly Clarke mentioned, Toby always put the fun in rock-n-roll.

and Brooke Burke still looks as hot as ever even though she's pregnant for couple of months.