Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Who says Accountants are Boring?

ICPAS (short for Institute of Certified Public Accountants of S'pore) recently established 2 new committees : CFO committee and the Young Accountants Group Committee. The 2 committees will address the professional needs of CFOs and young accountants.

Because of the increasing complexity of businesses in todays context, it have transformed and evolved the traditional "all about numbers" role of accountants to one that supports and empower strategic decision making and analysis. The committee will help us strengthen the role and the professional image that accountants play in business. So, who says that accountants are boring?!

I particularly like the idea of the Young Accountant Group Committee because it would serve to provide young accountants with opportunities to develop our career and achieve greater competency, knowledge and professional development. Seems like the near future is rather promising.