Friday, March 28, 2008

A New Low

Got this in my gmail inbox today, wasn't filtered as spam perhaps due to the spam-friendly email title.

How low can these spammers/fraudsters get! Once I open this particular email, I can see all sorts of terrible mistakes that warrants a warning that this is just a damn crap.

1. Fedex and not FedEx
2. First name and last name in small caps? how careless from "Fedex"
3. FedEx employee with a .edu email address?
4. How inefficient are they? since 4th Dec 2007 in the in-tray? 4 mths of delay is not the FedEx I know of...
5. Grammar mistakes all over this mail
6. Contact person with a hotmail address??

Maybe there's more mistakes in this email but this fraudster is just rather amateur sending out a poorly constructed email. Guess he/she is too eager to make some quick buck without doing a proof-read first.