Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Aaron, I'm so jealous

Time passes rather slow and kinda slack being the 'first' working day of week & 0f course, the last working week of year 2006. Everybody was talking bout how they spend their Christmas blah blah blah. Mine was pretty much boring; out for bout half a day and spend the rest of the day at home, still sorting out my room stuffs. Still in the process of renovating and furnishing my room.

Anyway... so most of my colleagues were talking bout Christmas stuffs and Aaron must have been the best recipient of all gifts : Xbox 360 & a laptop! Damn jealous!

None of my wishlist got fulfilled. But I may have been too greedy.

- PS3 (was wishing my dad got me a parallel import from US/JPN thus saving me to buy during the launch come Mar 7)

- MacBook Pro

- Stylish speaker dock unit for my iPod

- 4GB memory stick for my PSP

Guess Aaron must be playing his new Xbox 360 right now...