Sunday, April 30, 2006

Hectic May 06 Schedule!!!

Coming month is a very stressful n hectic month for me... last month of preparation for ACCA Examinations. Final 2 modules to clear level 2 and proceed to level 3 n then to the ultimate prize! Lots of classes after work to attend n my transport expense will also increase coz I'll be taxi-ing most of the time to Somerset after work. Kaozz! N my lecturer also mentioned that this June 06 sitting is the best chance to clear the modules coz after this sitting, some FRSs (Financial Reporting Standards) will be obsolette n new/admended FRSs will incorporate. Meaning that if I don't make it, I'll have to retake again come Dec 06 n my current notes/syllabus will be outdated.....waste more SGD$ and GBP£. Pressure n stress starting to build up... gotta meditate for that other sources of energy.....

my May 06 schedule