Thursday, August 17, 2006

Everything e-mails. Do I just sit and wait!?

In a world/society/organisation/whatever, where e-mail has become indispensable, people have equate the act of sending e-mails with instant communication. But if an e-mail is sent via cyberspace and no one is around, does the message get across? Of course not! but many senders (as well as my colleagues) believe otherwise.

"Oh I sent you an e-mail last fri. So the ball is not in my court now" Pls... there's never a ball in the first place. Nowadays, it seems like talk is cheap. People never honour their words. Whenever a task is not completed, dateline missed, certain screw-ups, the "I" is always not at fault. Its always the "she", "he", "they" were wrong. By pressing the "send" button on MS outlook, they assume their job is done or rather, "out of their court". They prefer to hide behind their computer and conveniently avoid any verbal or face to face discussion. Come on, Be Professional!

Like I mentioned, talk is cheap and people no longer honour their words. Everything has got to be 'acknowledged' as a receipt of proof. It seems like verbal agreement don't suffice anymore. Now its like: send an e-mail, print out the mail (as proof!?), attach to any correspondences, file. 2 weeks later if no updates, no status, no action, take out the proof and argue. Its not productive and waste of time!

E-mail sent does not means relieving of your responsibility (for crying out loud!) If the e-mail does not get through to its intended recipient, whose responsibility is it then? Proof of sending is not proof of receiving. If you think the matter is important enough, follow up with a courtesy call. Otherwise, if you mail gets lost in the cyberspace, you have only yourself to blame.

And for god's sake, don't "cc" every damn shit especially when there are replies to every "cc" mails. Its frustrating enough that I've to cope with my work and its even damn frustrating to be entangled into rubbish and non-of-my-concern conversation. I don't want to be in the middle of something that is not my concern and job scope. My job is not just sit in front of the pc the whole damn day and observe the bottom right corner to be notified of any new e-mails coming my way. I'm not paid that much to sit and instruct!

Enough said. First thing tomorrow, check my mail.... damn.